www.planmetroparis.net Privacy policy

1.- This website does not collect any extra information, as we don't need it for anything, and no offence, we don't care about your personal life.

These are the cookies we use:

Current values:

If you wish to reset your cookie settings on this website, click here.:

2.- The server where the website is hosted stores data such as the IP, the connection time and perhaps something else such as the type of browser, because the law obliges them to do so.

3.- The ads we insert in this website are from Google AdSense and the statistics from Google Analytics, both use cookies and record data of different types anonymously, so we hang this usual blablabla, in case anyone is interested:

   3.1 Google AdSense and Google Analytics legal text.

If you want to go to the homepage and see other options, click here.

If you want to make a suggestion, click here.

© www.planmetroparis.net